Thursday, August 12, 2010

Decisions, decisions.

Alright, so I've decided to start making ice cream.  First step, buy a machine.  But which one to get?? So many choices? Too many decisions...

Let's get to the point. I am a Libra, and for those of you who don't know what that means, let me elaborate.  I CAN'T MAKE DECISIONS. EVER. PERIOD. So many pro's and con's...always swaying back and forth between options. 

With certain decisions, there is a clear winner.  What recipe will I use to make Banana Bread? Uh, the one with the 550 5-star reviews, thank you very much. Easy.  Not so easy, selecting a product with middle of the road reviews, especially when it's competition also has the same mediocre reviews. Uhg! I hate making decisions.

After MUCH deliberation, this is the one I settled on:

I bought this one specifically for a few simple reasons, the first and foremost being that I wanted a machine that would incorporate little overrun (air) into my ice cream. Secondly, I wanted a machine with a built in air compressor so I didn't have to freeze any stupid bowls.  Third, it was on sale at Williams Sonoma.  

Ice cream, I mean, Gelato machine...check. Round one goes to me.

Where am I, and how did I get in here?

First and foremost, I must begin this journey with a brief explanation of who I am and why I'm writing this thing in the first place.  If you can only know one thing about me, know that I am at my core, a lover of all things sweet.  

I secretly believe that I have two stomachs, one quite small for savory foods, and one MUCH larger reserved strictly for dessert.  It is for that reason that I contemplate why it took me 27 years to purchase an ice cream machine in the first place.  

Second, I love to create things. Edible things mostly.  Sweet and edible things especially. So here I am, ice cream machine in hand, well, on counter, ready to begin my creative endeavors.  I write this to share my successes, my failures, and everything in between.  

It took me 27 years to get here and I've got a lot of catching up to do.